Startup Idea: Real-time Point Tracking System for the Banking Industry
I work in the banking industry where we have sales goals. The company I work for has over 5000 employees, about 1200 in the retail division.
Each product that we have is work a different point value, however it takes anywhere from 24-48 hours for our point values to shoe for a current day.
This makes tracking the amount of monthly points needed to achieve a goal very difficult. A better point tracking system needs to be implemented. Something that updates in real time to show exactly where each banker stands.
Currently, we track points on a daily basis by pen and paper to tell where we are at, this is highly inefficient for a large company. Yes, I would gladly pay for a system that updated my sales points in real time.
I would know when I need to work hard and when I can relax a bit, which would make me a better employee. I am not in the decision making area of my company, so I have not searched for these solutions.