Startup Idea: Project Management Software for University Risk Management
I work in risk management for a university. My job is very dynamic and complex. I deal with people all over the university, and I handle a multitude of projects at the same time. My department is currently very disorganized, and it is part of my job to create policies in order to make our department run smoothly and to satisfy legalities.
The biggest pain is trying to keep track of projects that need to go through different departments. I am the one that puts these projects together at the end, and sometimes they get stuck on one person/department. It would be nice if I could have a place to track the status of all the projects I have going on.
Yes I would pay for software if it could help with this issue.
Software would help because it would keep me organized and help me to know where a project is at any given time. This software needs to be able to be accessed by multiple people because there are so many people involved in projects. This way my boss, or anyone in the department could track a project from start to finish.