Startup Idea: Technical Support Management Software For Large Companies
I am part of a 30 man technician team, that has been a part of this company for about 6 years. The team has grown from 10 people to 30 over that time, and as the company grows, keeping track of their computers gets a bit tedious. Our goal is to keep track and fix every computer which needs to be serviced in our building.
A big problem we are currently facing, because of the company growing, is we have to fix too many computers. It's not necessarily that there are too many, it's just that we don't have an efficient way of keeping track of all of them. We service about 14 different floors in our building, so you can see why its a bit difficult to keep track of all the computers without some kind of program.
What I'm thinking is, a program that displays the entire layout of cubicles on every floor. Then when there is a problem with that computer, or if the computer will not start properly, there will be a display on the digital layout program which notifies the technical team of a problem. This would make keeping track of which computers need fixed a lot easier. Overall, I feel like this would improve the company and improve the performance of our technical team. I have tried finding a solution but I couldn't think of what search terms to use. I have looked up top 10 technical solution programs and things of that nature with no luck.
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