Startup Idea: Automated Hit Acceptance for MTurk
For my mturking I need a program that can accept HITS while I'm away from the computer.
A simple program would do this. Right now, there is Scraper which is a really good app, I am really pleased with it. But the program doesn't do a few things that it could.
Even the financed one doesn't have some of the options that I'd be willing to spend a few extra dollars to get. An app that would be nice would be one that is optioned with accepting HITS as soon as they become available.
The app is great with updating itself and you with HITS that are brand new, however it doesn't have the capability of accepting them once it has updated. Having an app that does this would be a great thing.
Updating notifications - i.e. "You now have 20 new hits to submit!" (or something to this effect) would be simple/easy. I have not.