Startup Idea: Workspace Setup Saver Application
I am a "worker" for mechanical turk, and as such, I have approximately 6 windows open across two monitors. Contained within all of these windows is a separate website. All windows are required for better work efficiency. These are not folder windows, or applications, but windows with different chrome web pages open in each of them.
I have spent the last 8 hours searching for an app or script or something that allows me to save the set up I have now (the sizes, locations, exact website each window is open to) as a workspace. I want to click one button and have all of these windows open up at once, placed exactly where I want them, with all of their websites in each. This would be an immense time-saver in starting work at any given time.
Nothing seems to do this that I can find. I would pay approximately $15 for this application, if someone were to make it. It would have to be easy to use and simple to understand. I have googled it.
Search terms used: "how to save size and location of windows in a workspace" "saving a windows workspace" "saving windows with websites in them" "app to save window size and locations"
... and various changes to the above.