Startup Idea: Startup Idea for Advanced Voice-Activated Interface Adjustment System
I'm a life coach, a blogger, and a freelance writer. Obviously, I do a lot of writing. I also work a lot with WordPress websites, web design, graphics, e-courses, e-books, Etc.
I have chronic health issues, and the latest iteration of that is loss of strength and severe pain in my hands. I'm right-handed, and it started there, every time I would click my mouse button with my right index finger, sharp shooting pain would go through my finger through my hand, up my arm, into my shoulder, at my neck, and down my back. So I switch to using the mouse with my left hand. At the same time, I discovered that Google Docs had a voice to text input option.
Within a couple of weeks of using my mouse solely left-handed, I was having the same issues of pain and weakness in my left hand that I have been having in my right. I'm at a point now where I can get the most basic typing done using Google Docs Voice to Text option, but can't grasp the full new ones of all the punctuation since only the most basic is available. I'm also at a point of shoving the mouse around with my left forearm, and clicking the mouse with either my middle finger, my ring finger, my phone, or the heel of my hand, depending on which is hurting least at the moment.
The software solution that would help me is some combination of a voice to text typing option, with expanded punctuation marks, such as the semicolon, colon, dash, or parentheses., combined with some sort of smart technology that would let me pointed something with my eyes, or describe a box on my screen, or something along those lines that would allow me that funk looking without the physical maneuver of clicking.
The only technology that I found that has the clicking part is prohibitively expensive, and I wasn't entirely sure how it would work either. It was some form of camera on top of my monitor, that would track where my eyes were pointed, and click on voice command to do so. That would also be extra complicated for me, because I use a 2 screen setup, with the second screen not to the left or right of my laptop screen, but above it on a Shelf. I'm not sure how well the camera tracking would work across two monitors in vertical alignment.