Startup Idea: Creative Community Brainstorming App
I work in a creative field and even though we're more connected than ever as humans, and even though I work on a machine all day that's connected to the internet, too often I feel like my creative development is a lonely process. Many of my friends who work creatively feel like this as well...that you're often stuck thinking about your own ideas over and over again without any interaction. It's just you against the world.
I would love an app where creatives like myself could anonymously log on and post their creative problems, and then get feedback on them very quickly. A sort of communal brainstorming application, where you would tell others what you think of their ideas and how you would improve them, and post your own ideas to get feedback on them. It wouldn't have to be a complicated app/site, just branded and designed well enough to get people talking without any pressure of signing up or whatever. Get in, brainstorm a bit, and come out better than you entered. I've seen some forums and stuff, but nothing that's as easy as what I'm describing.