Startup Idea: Startup idea: Customized Construction Bid Platform
I am a 44 year old individual with a bachelor degree in Building Construction, who has been working for some of this country's (USA) largest construction companies. I recently after 20 years in the field decided to ventured out into my own business of running a small commercial construction company.
Small businesses in construction, often find themselves struggling at startup for lack of bid opportunities and work specifically marketed for businesses that are 5 years and under only. I am always finding sites that market available bid opportunities, for work that competes with companies that have monopolized the bidding strategies with these web bid sites, such as bid clerk, demand star, construction journal etc. A website specifically designed for fresh new businesses 5 years and under would be a great value to my new start-up plan.
I would absolutely pay for this software, and to isolate my $1,000/yr subscription (what I currently pay for an annual subscription) of these other extremely competitive sites, to a site that was designed to narrow down the competition to only new small businesses that compete against each other only.
The benefit to subscribe to a bid site for new business only, helps me become more competitive, thus your firm more successful as well.
Additional information for your use: The challenge with marketing such a program would be with my following opinions:
The marketing firm would need to negotiate with their clients proposing work, to offer this work as a bid opportunity for small business. A potential model for negotiation would be to provide incentive back to their clients for offering such work. An incentive example would be such as, providing the client with qualified experience but with much less cost to the owner for the cost of services. One way a firm holding this software can assure cost savings to their clients is by capping markups lets say to no more than 15% of the cost of the work (close to a standard markup fee in construction).
Another challenge is to provide your construction firms with lower subscriptions than their competitors. While $700-$1,200/yr is the typical subscription fee, you would want to curve this for small business firms to under the standard fees.
Good luck! Thank you for the opportunity.