Startup Idea: Idea for a Survey Workers' Forum and Database of Scam Sites
I belong to several survey sites. One of the problems that I and many other survey workers face is, we will spend the time to fill completely out a survey and then at the end, the will come up with some lame excuse to not pay you for your work. They may say you don't qualify, the survey has enough responses, or many other lame excuses. The problem we workers have, is that, we spent up to 30 minutes honestly filling out the survey only to have them not pay us after the whole survey is over.
There are many honest survey sites that tell you near the beginning if you do not qualify or other reasons. At least then we dont spend all that time thinking we are going to get paid.
The sites want honest workers, but then we get ripped off.
It would be nice to have a forum that we could share ideas with other survey workers. We could share which sites constantly scam us and build a database to try and get these crooks out of the survey business.
Thank you for your time.
Paul. I have looked and do not see any sites that do this.
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