Startup Idea: Mobile App for Accurate Time Tracking
I am a management consultant working for a large firm of over 2000 people. A major problem we have is accurately recording the time that individuals have worked for each client and so we often undercharge the client.
There is also the issue that when timesheets are submitted (at the end of each work) most people can't really remember how much time they spent working for the client and so put conservative estimates.
As we do all our client work at the client's offices, an ideal solution would be to have a mobile app that records the times that it connects to and disconnects from the clients wi-fi network, as this will be indicative of workers entering and leaving the premises.
This could automatically be uploaded to a database and so there would be no risk of inaccurate timesheets. This would be something that we'd be prepared to pay for giving that it would help us gain more from accurate billing.