Startup Idea: Digital Education Software for Police Academy Training

Summary for idea #4039
Startup idea to develop a comprehensive software or app that replaces the oversized binders used in a police academy. The solution needs to be easy to update with new laws, teaching methods and be more cost effective than a physical book. It should be downloadable, user-friendly, and portable.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

What industry do you work in? I am a police recruit, I am going to the academy in early 19. What is a big pain point in your daily work that is not yet solved by software?​ One big problem is the book that we use are giant binders. they are alot to lug around. Would you pay for software to solve this? Yes I would, someone could put the new information into a software program and perhaps a downloadable program that was easy to update for new laws and other new teaching methods. This could help stream line things and also make things a lot more cost effective. This might be the only college based class with a giant $300 book that could be an app that you could sell and update for $50. They want to stick with the book but its 2019 the future is not big paper wasting books.

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