Startup Idea: Password Protection and Organization Software Development
I work in technology. My biggest complaint that I have right now as I have gotten older is the large amount of passwords on my computer and the fact that there is no good organization for them. The strings are so long that you can even remember the passwords. So looking into my accounts daily has become fustrating. The level of people able to hack our password and email now is becoming reductions and they really need to come up with a new way to stop this password breaking as well as feel safe and confident to save this stuff onto our computers without the fear of hackers taking it all. I have recently experienced this type of invasion and it is awful. So if you could find a better program to protect this type of problem that would be wonderful to use at home as well as in the office because the one they have now they still are having issues with. So if they could create some sort of computer software that would protect the computer as well as make a file for passwords that would be great. I put long strings to protect but all I have is paper and my mind to remember this.