Startup Idea: One-Time Fee, All-In-One, Semi-Automated Marketing Software
I am a Digital marketing and Facebook Ads expert and have been working with multiple softwares in my industry. The only thing is there are very little software that are hard copies and not stored on website pages.
There is also software which works on the web but are paid monthly and it would be good to see software which is one time fee. If I am paying $100 a month to use professional WEB software in my industry i would rather use $1000/2000 for a one time fee software to view analytics etc using instagram, facebook and other APIs.
I have not seen a software which is all in one for marketing and is semi automated with options to schedule etc. I have seen software but not all in one and are monthly fees. Owning a large scale agency I would rather spend $2000 for a license than $100 a month for a web application.
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