Startup Idea: Startup Idea for a Customized Wish List Notification System
I work for a small business that sells a variety of items, mostly furniture. Oftentimes customers are in the market to buy a particular style or color of a piece of furniture and we don't have it in stock at the time, so we put that information into a "wish list" document on our desktop, so we can contact them if we get something in that matches what they're looking for.
We can't custom order items, and we don't really know what will be on our freight trucks until they arrive (we deal in overstock), so it's important to quickly contact a customer as soon as we find something similar to what they're looking for, to try to complete the sale.
It would be great to have an interactive wish list application, where as soon as a piece of furniture comes in stock with the customer's preference (for instance, if they were looking for a white chair and we get one in), they automatically get sent an email or text with a picture and description of the new item, so they can decide if they are interested.
Also, a way for us to internally cross reference the wish list and item descriptions would benefit us as well, maybe giving us a notification as well if there is a match between a customer's desired attribute and the attribute of a piece we have in stock.
I have tried looking for a solution like the one I described, but haven't found anything. It is very time consuming scrolling through the entire wish list and trying to remember if we have an item that matches what the customer is looking for. Our wish list has a lot of entries on it, and our inventory moves fast. It would be nice to be able to have the customer and/or us as employees to be automatically notified if there's a potential match.
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