Startup Idea: Household Management App for Shared Accommodations

Summary for idea #536
Startup idea to develop a comprehensive household management application. This app would allow users to assign tasks, record when tasks are done, set reminders, manage a shared personal library of items, and could also feature a log of who performed each task. Originally conceptualized to cater to shared accommodations, its functionality could also be extended to family households.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

Having recently moved into a house with two other girls I'm finding a lack of apps that can help get our household on the same page. It seems like certain aspects exist (media catalog, reminders, etc.) but they are all separate apps and I haven't come across any that allow you to "invite" other users to share some or all of your data. Ideally, I would like an app that can:

  • Record when a task is done, as well as set a reminder to complete it again in a certain amount of time. Push notifications to all of us would be fantastic, as well as a log of when a task was completed and by whom. (Example: Changing the air filters every month)
  • Allow us to create/manage a personal library of books, movies, etc. as well as granting access to each other so we don't double purchase items.
  • We all have a lot of holiday decor, but being able to include pictures with the above idea seems like an easier way to manage WHO had what items when it comes time to put them away and/or claim ownership.
  • The above idea can also be utilized for furniture/larger items. I don't think the library concept is the most important here (just something uber relevant to us) but the idea of push notification reminders for household tasks and a log of who did what could drastically improve our cohabitation.

There are currently apps that allow us to split bills and "charge" each other for things and then square up at the end of the month, but I have not found a single app that allows us to share the responsibilities of managing a household.

This app could also be targeted to families for chore based tasks (taking the garbage out, putting dishes away, etc.) with push notification reminders sent to kids, and push notification alerts sent to parents when a task is completed.

Right now we have a dry erase board that we write tasks and dates completed on. The problem is that we often forget to mark things off, and because it is a stagnant system that we don't frequently interact with I often find myself missing "deadlines" like remembering to change the air filters every month. I have tried to find an app (we are all iOS users) but many are geared towards children or personal management/reminders, not effective for adult groups.

Submitter: Kristen Marciszewski - (view contact info).

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