Startup Idea: News Driven Stock Value Prediction Software
I am a stock trader in the retail sector. My problem is that it is very difficult to rate the value of headlines effect on individual companies stock prices. I need a software to "read" headlines and mark an effect coefficient to the companies related to the headline and their opposition, suppliers and other members.
Particularly, has a global news page that allows users to get a feed of news. Scraping those headlines could provide a coefficient to the individuals companies effected. This way up to the minute changes in performance etc. could be acted upon in trading for profit.
Basic information needed would include a list of companies to be tracked and rated, a benchmark coefficient and a "map" of suppliers and competitors in each market. With these data points a scale of effect could be derived for each headline (macro or micro) aiding in short term and mid term investing. I see no business news rating agencies available to the retail investing sector. I have searched online but no known solution exists.
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