Startup Idea: Smart Greenhouse Management System
I work in a small greenhouse industry. We grow seedlings for resale to the general public, and some of them are quite fussy as to the proper amount of water content and or soil nutrients.
Water content can be measured with a tool, and so can the nutrients needed, However, the physical process is tedious at best, and time conesuming as well.
I have always envisioned a water drip system controlled by computer monitored sensors that will hydrate the plants when the soil reaches a certain dryness. It also makes sense that a PH tester monitor could tell the water system to add a chemical to raise or lower ph. (think of intravenous lines to inject chemical into the water flow.
Building on that, the ideal software could also monitor potassium, phosphate and nitrogen levels, and provide a liquid concoction of the right chemistry through the water delivery
Add the last factor, available light controlled by louvers with the software measuring lumens per seedling type, and you go a long way to developing a really effective measuring and mete-out tool.
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