Startup Idea: Customizable Fitness Tracking Software for Gym Owners
I'm in the physical fitness industry - specifically, an owner of a CrossFit gym, or "box" as they're known.
My clients are often times needing customized fitness plans, and there seems to be a lack of software that isn't strictly phone based - and even then, apps are often configured for specific programs and are not easily modified to suit my customer's individual needs.
I'd like a piece of software that could track weightlifting programs, exercise plans, and also tie into their meal and diet tracking efforts - all accessible on their home computers as well as a mobile app.
Yes, I'd pay for software such as this, because it doesn't exist on the marketplace currently. It would solve a lot of problems, because I wouldn't have to have them create their own Excel spreadsheets or find workarounds for apps that may not fit their tailored exercise or diet plans.