Startup Idea: 3D Art Software with Simple Interface for Artists
I am a freelancer (writer) and an artist and a relatively older adult. My artistic abilities are best seen on paper or canvas and completed in real life. But more and more the demand for digital art is growing. As well as 3d art-mesh/graphic creations.
I have tried everything from Gimp to Blender to Scultris. Some are more user friendly-such as sculptris, then ones that are the industry best-Blender. I do not have time to go back to college to learn these programs and they all involve much too much math.
I would gladly pay for a Blender-like program with a MUCH more easy to use interface such as Sculptris. I hate to say dumb it down but artists are rarely "math" people, they do not wish to figure out planes and angles and mesh weights etc. They want to CREATE.
They want to poke a few buttons and then create, we need a 3D art program, that can be exported to mesh, with a SIMPLE interface that gives the same results or better.
I have searched many, many times. 3D art programs is the main search term I have used. Not to mention asking other artists advice, and many have the same issue. Blender is NOT user friendly and practically requires a degree to use, but yet it is the best program out there for 3-D and mesh making art. My solution is to NOT do it, or outsource to people who can.
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