Startup Idea: Trade Calculator App for Retail Day Traders
I would love to see an app or some software that is a trade calculator for retail (stay at home) day traders where you could input say your last 10 trades and then input your target objectives for the day and then the calculator could help you assess where or how you could reach or maintain your targets (like it would give you 3 or 4 different things you could tweak (i.e. hold for a few extra pips, adjust your position size, if there was another asset you regularly trade (which it would already have data from because it stores all of your trades in a data base), it might say, hey you know that strategy you used on trading eur/jpy - if you'd use this same strategy on aud/usd today you would have made 23% more - just stuff like that - something will help the stay at home retail day-trader (and there are a TON OF US OUT HERE) be better able to analyze our performance in a way that the large institutions can allocate resources toward, but of which we are but 1 person, so, it'd be nice if there was a software package out there that could sort of be our trading partner (even if it was part a.i.) to help us better assess our performance each day/week/month/quarter/year. (for that matter by the hour would be nice too).
And it has to be something that data can easily be entered (copy paste) because we all use very different trading platforms and exchanges, and sometimes multiple exchanges to do our thing each day. So, it has to be universal for the day trader (especially the forex, futures, and options traders).
Yes, we all seem to keep trying to invent the best excel spreadsheet calculator and it never quite does what we hope for it to be fast enough to make a difference during the day (the time spent inputing data and evaluating means NOT watching and trading the market - or at least missing the good entry points anyway) - it'd be awesome if somehow there could be an integrated tool (software bundle that integrated with our trading data) on our desktops for real time evaluations WHILE we are actually trading throughout the day (oh, and this needs to be a 24/7 system because the futures and forex markets trade around the clock Sunday through Friday (if you're in the USA).
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