Startup Idea: Automated Instagram Direct Message Sending Software
I am an Internet Marketer, and as an Internet Marketer there are a Lot of small, but time-consuming & tedious tasks that need to be done on a regular basis... depending on what you're doing.
One such task is: Sending DMs (Direct Messages) to Instagram users.
There are quite a few Instagram softwares on the market that are operational on the PC, but none seem to tackle sending DMs.
There are a few different ways of sending DMs that Internet Marketers would be interested in:
- Send DM to all people Following Me
- Send DM to all people that I am Following
- Send DM to all people who that follow a Specific User
The way the software would know what message to put in the DMs, could be from a list of messages that the user has in a .txt or .csv file. And the software would just go down the list of messages in either descending order, or Random order as it DMed all of the specified users.
Two place to go to for instant sales on a software like this is:
Both of those are the largest marketplaces for Internet Marketers, and could potentially bring in a flood of instant sales.
On a side note, if you just go to and start a thread asking marketers what kind of software they would be interested in, you'll get more ideas than you'd know what to do with.
The Internet Marketing industry has a Huge target market for Software Developers!! FYI. I've searched all over the web for something like this for over a year now.
Search terms like "automated DMs for Instagram", "automate Instagram DMs on PC", "Tools for sending Instagram DMs on PC".. And everything in between.
How do I solve the problem now? I don't.. I constantly look for new tool that would do this action, but never find one. So I just don't bother working with this method. It would be far too time-consuming & tedious.
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