Startup Idea: Client Follow-up Automation Software for Ecommerce Business
I work in ecommerce. My team and I run our own web design company catering to small business owners (i.e. logo design, landing pages via Wordpress, etc) and though we are fairly new we are getting some good recognition for our work and have gotten some pretty solid clients over the past year.
One major pain I encounter daily is following up with clients on projects. I swear it is like pulling teeth with some of these guys.
We treat all our clients with the utmost respect and show them love and gratitude but sometimes we are left dead in the one client who owns a barbershop, who shot my business partner some mockups and logo ideas.
We haven't heard back from him in a month! And trust me for every opportunity that falls through we ALWAYS gain five or more clients...but sometimes communication is just very frustrating.
I would definitely pay for a software that could solve this. I'm thinking some sort of auto-generated messenger bot that sends clients reminders to follow up with our deal?
Innovation is probably more your guys' forte compared to mine which is marketing...but I feel this would save us from a lot of "cold feet clientele". I feel this is more productive than constantly making texts or phone calls as that would seem a little too desperate. Just some thoughts hope that helps!.