Startup Idea: Health and Wellness App for Criminal Justice Professionals
I am currently a criminal justice (CJ) professional. One problem that occurs frequently among criminal justice professionals (e.g. law enforcement, probation, corrections, etc) is the fact that workers are often preoccupied with doing their daily jobs of protecting public safety and making sure offenders are held accountable for their crimes.
Criminal justice professionals often have lots of paperwork and documents to complete which keeps most workers sedentary and stationary. Due to the lack of physical activity and pressure to complete paperwork, many criminal justice professionals have high rates of heart disease, mental health issues, and higher likelihood of premature mortality compared to other professions.
I would recommend software developers to create an app for CJ workers that keeps track of sedentary and lethargic behavior and periodically reminds CJ workers to stand up and stretch, do exercise, go for a run, and regularly walk.
Additionally, the data should be shared with management, so that they can recognize and reward workers who are above average in their level of fitness compared to other workers.
Also, the app should provide CJ workers with inspirational quotes that motivate workers to keep their morale and attitude positive.
We need an app that focuses on creating healthier criminal justice professionals by teaching workers about healthy diets, rewarding physically fit employees, and inspiring quotes for reducing stress and anxiety among workers.