Startup Idea: Automated Savings Goals Manager for Sole Proprietors

Summary for idea #686
Startup idea to... develop an automated savings management tool for sole proprietors. The tool will aid in the management and allocation of sporadic income against various service fee deadlines.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I'm a one-person Sole Proprietor who works out of a home office. I utilize multiple online (& otherwise) services which require periodic payments to keep up & running. With my income being sporadic at best, I need something to automate constantly changing weekly (or otherwise) savings goals relative to the target fee & fee due date.

Originally I had tried to make an Excel spreadsheet but had to give up.

For example: Ideally I could mark "October 4 2018" as needing to pay $99 to vendor Foo.

Today I have $35 in savings already allocated for this expense.

If I were to set $x.xx aside each Friday between today & the due date, how much would $x.xx have to be to reach the goal.

AND: If I were to set aside $(x.xx -y.yy) this Friday, what would each future Friday's savings goal change to in order to keep on schedule?

AND: If I were to set aside $(x.xx +z.zz) this Friday, what would each future Friday's savings goal change to in order to keep on schedule?

...So every target factors in each savings variant, more/less/none, & keep me on track for everything. I posted a job on Fiverr for someone to make a spreadsheet for me & the quotes I received were far too expensive.

Submitter: (view contact info)

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