Startup Idea: Automated Savings Goals Manager for Sole Proprietors
I'm a one-person Sole Proprietor who works out of a home office. I utilize multiple online (& otherwise) services which require periodic payments to keep up & running. With my income being sporadic at best, I need something to automate constantly changing weekly (or otherwise) savings goals relative to the target fee & fee due date.
Originally I had tried to make an Excel spreadsheet but had to give up.
For example: Ideally I could mark "October 4 2018" as needing to pay $99 to vendor Foo.
Today I have $35 in savings already allocated for this expense.
If I were to set $x.xx aside each Friday between today & the due date, how much would $x.xx have to be to reach the goal.
AND: If I were to set aside $(x.xx -y.yy) this Friday, what would each future Friday's savings goal change to in order to keep on schedule?
AND: If I were to set aside $(x.xx +z.zz) this Friday, what would each future Friday's savings goal change to in order to keep on schedule?
...So every target factors in each savings variant, more/less/none, & keep me on track for everything. I posted a job on Fiverr for someone to make a spreadsheet for me & the quotes I received were far too expensive.
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