Startup Idea: User-Friendly Web Scraping Tool for Non-Programmers
This is an interesting tool. You could design a tool that allows a non programmer to input websites that they need to scrape on a regular basis to make a feed for them to monitor.
For example, suppose I needed to track news from 4 different outlets, and I just wanted to scrape the website for updates. For a non programmer they have to hire someone to build this webscraping tool.
Perhaps you could make a one size fits all webscraper that allows individuals to "simply" put their target websites in that requires no programming on their end.
A simple click and go tool. I'm a programmer and have built multiple versions of webscrapers tailored for specific reasons, but never a program or a gui developed to simply allow a non-programmer to tailor the websites they wanted to scrape themselves. Parsehub is close to this, but it is not professional enough.
Yes, Parsehub is close, but it is not very user friendly. The google webscraper plugin is close also, but not exactly what I am talking about.