Startup Idea: Offline Plugin for ServiceNow
I am an IT analyst for a call center that performs tier I troubleshooting. Our organization, as a whole, utilizes Servicenow as the preferred ticketing system for tracking and resolution of all IT issues brought to us.
The glaring problem with the system is that it is web based. So whenever the server goes down, we are unable to create tickets in the system. That does nothing to prevent the constant influx of call that we receive, or mitigate our SLO of handling all calls in 8 minutes or less.
Our current process is to open a PDF template and compile ticket information there until servicenow access is restored, and then create a ticket in servicenow for each PDF template created for each call. However, the template is quite lack luster. It does not mirror the functionality of Servicenow.
If someone were to create a plugin for servicenow that acted as an offline version, that allowed the prepopulated data fields to be customized per organization, it would maintain data integrity for the organization that used it.
An additional function it should possess is the ability to export data directly into a servicenow browser session so that all tickets are rapidly created in the live system once access is restored.