Startup Idea: Comprehensive Media Content Database
I am a student researcher who loves to content analyze magazines and other types of media content. However, I ALWAYS struggle to find access to data when doing a textual analysis or content analysis.
For example, I wanted to do an analysis of a specific type of ad in a specific magazine. To do this project, I wanted to have access to every magazine issue from the years 2010-the present. You'd think that access to this content would be easy. However, it is incredibly difficult to find a database that has gives access to this content.
I propose a software or creating a huge database of ALL types of media content. For example, every time a new issue of a newspaper or magazine or television show is introduced and sold, it should be logged onto a giant database. This obviously would take a lot of time and effort, so I propose that there are volunteers that receive small incentives to record their media and log it onto a database. For example, if there is a worker who subscribes to Cosmo magazine, they can simply upload a copy of this magazine onto the database.
Researchers would pay SO MUCh money for access to this kind of content. If I could have a database that gave me every issue of magazines such as Elle, Vogue, or Cosmo, I would pay a ton of money just to be able to have this software, and I would also work to maintain that it is updated as well. I buy individual magazines, or try searching on multiple databases. There is really no solution to this problem except for how it addressed in the box above.
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