Startup Idea: Startup Idea for Investment Tracking Software
I am a short term investor and I have made my own tracking sheets for investments in Excel. What would be great is a program that would help me or others track investments on a daily basis by entering basic information and the program would do the rest. The program would need to include many important items such as: Company Investment Code, Date Bought, Number of shares, Price per share, Total price for all shares bought, Section for Company Notes, Date Sold, Number of shares sold, Profit or Loss section for each, Trade fee (debits fee from profits and adds fee to price per share), Separate section for research on investments that includes: Company code, Company Name, Company Notes, date of research,Company profits for 1 year, Company Assets value, Company CEO name, number of employees, Estimated dividend yield per year percentage,PE ratio, Earnings reports and graphs (place to upload these), Total value of all investments, Age of each investment,Totals for all Profits or Losses combined,Total for all fees,Place to upload e-mails for each stock that explains the transaction. There are some complicated programs on the market, but a simple program that is user friendly may be a good seller like on E-bay. This type of software could also be used by people who want to do some of the work on their own without going through brokerage firms and paying their fees. Yes I have tried finding a solution. I searched E-bay and Amazon for software but all I see is complicated software that doesn't meet my needs and it is too costly. I think a simpler program that is reasonably priced may sell well. This would be software that anyone could use and not be connected to some company that wants to charge fees for it's use.As I said I use Excel presently for this but it is a lot of manual work that could be made easier and faster with a software program.
Submitter: Mark (view contact info)