Startup Idea: Legal Document Automation Software
I work in the legal industry as an attorney. I have a small firm where I have to do much of the work myself (like most small firms). I have often thought wished that there was software that could help automate generating legal documents. There are form banks with boilerplate language but what I would like is software that could look at a client database and fill in the routine information (name, address, standard terms, etc) when generating documents. For instance, I do a lot of trademark work and a lot of what goes in the application is already or could easily be added to a client database. Also, I do some Social Security work, the number of times you have to enter the same information over and over again (such as Social Security Number) is amazing. Not only would this save time, but it would reduce the possibility of errors, and give the drafter more time to focus on the important aspects of the document. I've looked at legal software but most I have found are for case management.