Startup Idea: Unified Information Management System for Multi-location Entertainment Startup
I work for a local Interactive Entertainment startup that has grown over the past year and a half into a multi-location operation. The quick growth has caused us to really struggle to create a unified information management system that can be used universally across our current (and future) locations.
We were talking recently about how we really need to centralize our massive amount of information regarding our multiple different entertainment options.
We are now at a crossroads of needing to centralize our entire data system in order to make it more accessible to everyone, while realizing it is on twenty plus peoples personal computers. We also have some stuff on Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.
I don't have a great answer to this unfortunately but I wish there was a program that we could throw all our documents into quickly and then it would sort and order to information based on specific parameters.
That way it could be sorted and organized quickly without the pain we will soon be putting in in order to do so.
Hope this helps!.