Startup Idea: Gaming Table Time Management Software for Hobby Shop
I run a hobby shop.
Where we make our most money is charging people to use our space, specifically to sit down and play games at our gaming table.
Now, imagine there are twenty gaming tables (sometimes more, sometimes less). And, we need to keep track of the time being rented at each table.
A simple phone timer doesn't work, and having a number of internet timer windows open is too much of a hassle. If we leave timers on the table, the customers feel rushed and we have no leeway. It isn't comfortable for them.
What I want is a way to track how long they have been there, when an hour has passed, and a price per hour that is adjustable. I could see something like; adding or subtracting tables, a start/stop/pause button, a price per hour adjuster, and the table number displayed.
Even better, a way to start/pause/stop them all at once. The last option would allow us to run large tournaments while pausing individual tables for rule infractions or time outs.
Would be willing to pay.