Startup Idea: Product Locator App for Retail Stores
I'm currently a scan analyst at a retail chain. One of the biggest problems that I run into is assisting customers to find the product they are looking for. A lot of times, they don't remember the brand, the flavor, variety, or other details of the product.
If there was some sort of program or app that we could utilize on our phones or on a system to help narrow down a search for a product by checking or typing in different details of the product they want, we could help them more effectively.
For instance, say the customer is looking for a specific type of pizza crust mix. They can't remember the brand, but they know that it's in a small red box, it's between 8-12 oz, and it costed them around $4 last time they bought it. You could check all of those details, and it would help narrow down the search by listing the different brands and varieties. No.