Startup Idea: Shift Reporting System for Hotel Industry
I work in a hotel industry as a receptionist. Our work is divided into 3 shifts a day (morning-afternoon-night). There are at least 5 other receptionists working at the hotel as well. Now, it is very important to take notes of all the stuff that happened during your shift (guest complaints, change in their schedule, notes from the restaurant and maids, notes from the porters, issues with parking, maintenance etc.). Now, we usually just use Google Document and write it all down, but all we get are really long paragraphs and no confirmation if the other receptionist read it or not. I would LOVE to have software that lets us record all the changes, notes and interesting facts that happen during our shift, dividing them into several categories (restaurant, maids, guests, parking, IT section, finance etc.) and being able to mark WHO originally added the specific note, WHO read it and WHO marked it as "solved, unsolved, need to talk to the manager". Also providing details on WHICH date it was added/edited etc. Maybe even marking some events important and setting up an automatic alarm for them to check if the tasks have been solved/finished. I do not want my colleagues to be making excuses that they didn't read it or that they read it, but forgot to mention it to the next guy on the next shift (who usually does not read notes from the previous day anymore as it gets really clunky and long at that point). I am not sure if our management would be willing to pay for it, but I think it would be a helpful addition. I tried searching for "notes from your shift", but nothing good came up.