Startup Idea: Streamlined Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis
I am a scientist in the biotech industry and use next generation sequencing to analyze a lot of samples. Sequencing produces millions of reads of DNA and requires special bioinformatic analysis to understand. This analysis requires a strong understanding of computer science and coding. Furthermore, the turnaround time from requesting data to getting an analysis/assembly back can be long since this step is often a bottleneck.
It would be very helpful if I had software that allowed me to assemble next generation sequencing data efficiently on my own computer without knowledge of coding. Although there are some programs out there that allow me to do this, they require a lot of computing power, are inefficient, and don't always do a good job (e.g. Geneious). The only decent option I have used is the Genious program mentioned above. This problem is currently solved by utilizing a Bioinformatics group.