Startup Idea: Agriculture Commodities Data Management Software

Summary for idea #945
Startup idea to develop a software that can track historical prices of agricultural commodities like corn, rice, and soybeans. The software would offer automated creation of charts and graphs for trend analysis, eliminating the need for manual chart and spreadsheet creation.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I work in the agriculture commodities industry and one aspect of the business has to do with data. Have a program of software that would keep tack of historical information of prices of Ag products like corn, rice, and soybeans. Right now I have to create charts and spreadsheets by hand. If there was aoftware that could that the futures price history and then create charts and graphs so I can look for historical trends it would save me a lot of time. As of now I know of no programs on the market. I have and as of now there is no one on the market.

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