Startup Idea: Web App for Overseas Used Car Purchases
I am looking to buy a used car from Europe and have it shipped to the states as a classic car (those that are over 20 years old classify under certain US laws).
My problem is that I have to scour various forums and blogs, of varying quality and truthfullness, across the internet in order to even begin to understand what it takes to successfully buy a quality auto from overseas.
I believe there is an opportunity to create a web app that aggregates the various laws and services available to serve this small, but lucrative, niche.
The available resources I have found on the webertubes all seem to be lacking in comprehensiveness. (And no, Ebay motors doesn't really cover this niche.)
There are obvious opportunities for fee collection from dealers, independent sellers, shippers, and end of transaction customers that could end up for a tidy profit for a really good middleman.
I've seen many a forum post asking if there were such a quality service to be found, with no answers that satisfy.
Money on the table right there.