Startup Idea: Automated Update Management and Approval System for Custom Apps
I work in the security/home automation software business. One of my responsibilities is to manage custom apps for select partners. With these custom apps, I must remind these partners to update their terms and agreements and also their membership with Apple periodically throughout the year. I also must work with an internal point of contact to provide them details on what will be new in the next update to be released, when it's been submitted to Apple, and when it's been approved. I then must wait for the point of contact to get approval from the partner before releasing the app.
It would be great to have a software that allows me to indicate which new enhancements will be in each app and update, inform the POC of Apple, and getting the approval without having to do so much manual work.
Yes, I would pay for this software.
The software would help with letting POC's know when to contact their partners about the app conditions, app release updates, and getting the official approval from the partner to release the app. This would help save a lot of time and make the process much more efficient than it currently is.