Startup Idea: Quality Improvement Software for IT Project Outsourcing
I have outsourced many IT projects in whole and in part on both a fixed price and time and materials basis with budgets from a few thousand to several million to a wide range of different vendors both local and offshore including SAP, Infosys, Wipro, IBM, HP/EDS and Elance vendors.The greatest pain point I experience with outsourcing is poor quality; specifically poor quality operations, management, analysis, design, development, testing and deployment. This is often exacerbated by account managers who are dishonest, deceitful and secretive.Of course it varies a lot from one vendor to another.In my experience mid size local providers are generally good quality and good value, SAP is also quite good but very expensive and arrogant; Infosys and Wipro are good if you manage their resources directly but poor if they're all offshore and you let them manage themselves. IBM and HP/EDS infrastructure service provision is a nightmare no matter what you do and Elance providers are very cheap but can be very amateurish.